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  • Writer's pictureCaitlin Rundle

Leading through unprecedented times

Updated: Apr 1, 2020

March 3 2020. Super Tuesday. While most of the country's eyes were on Democratic party primary winners being announced in crucial states, Elon University also had its own election to focus on. Juniors Robbie Miley and Brandon Veal had undergone a week of heavy campaigning for the chance to be the next Student Government Association's Executive President.

The results were announced in the Moseley Center at 6 o'clock. The winner was announced to be Miley, the junior class' vice president, by a mere 25 votes.

"That I think just made me realize that you can't take anything for granted," Miley said. "You really got to make the most of your opportunities that are in front of you, both in this role for SGA, but just in general for life."

Miley was President elect with what seemed like plenty of time to learn how to properly serve the community. The world seemed to have other plans.

The world wide pandemic of COVID-19, otherwise known as coronavirus, had touched down in the United States. What started in Washington made it's way across the country, until it made its first appearance in North Carolina the same day Miley was elected. Elon University followed suit of many schools across the country, and decided that two weeks after spring break would have classes be taught remotely, with plans to resume normal instruction April 6.

This decision caused an early swearing in of Miley and two other executive members of SGA. Training time was over.

"Former SGA President Jack Johnson has made it very clear that he is a resource for me," Miley said. "Even though he hasn't gone through something like this, he has a pretty good pulse on, you know, what and how people respond to different circumstances."

Miley said that although the transition time was cut short, he feels he is as prepared as he can be for a situation of this sorts.

With the decision to cancel all in person classes for the rest of the semester, Miley and the rest of SGA face an entirely new challenge. Miley works with his cabinet as well as with members of the SGA senate, including class of 2022 secretary Jack Corby.

"Mental illness is a very real factor and it can be very, very hard to stay positive while away from your friends at Elon," Corby said. "If we keep talking and stay in contact, it'll be much easier to get through this together."

Corby recognized the challenge of staying connected when the majority of Elon University's student population is no longer on campus. The registrar's office reported that the student body represented 45 states in the spring of 2020, as well as completely other countries.

The problem presented is just how does a campus of 6,896 students stay connected when they aren't a ten minute block away.

Miley describes his work as being an advocate for the student body. Although he might not have much decision making capabilities, he said that he is primarily focused with making sure student's voices are heard, and are presented to the right people.

"Before the pass fail decision, one example might be that students can come to me and say, 'Hey, this is something that we really wanted to see happen', and I can't make that decision, I don't have that power," Miley said. "But, what I can do is talk to the people in those positions, and say, 'Hey, Just so you know, there are a lot of students that are looking for this to happen.'"

He said that since classes have halted on campus, students will still reach out to him with concerns that they have.

"It's almost always relating to the corona virus and how it is impacting them or how it's impacting their friends," Miley said. "The main thing that I've been doing during this time is trying my best. It's still not completely where we want to be, but try my best to cultivate a sense of community here at Elon. I feel like a time like this, there are a lot of people that are really sad or upset, even angry or distraught about what is happening."

Corby said that although he is unaware if SGA is in contact with students who remained on campus, he is personally still in contact with friends. Corby also serves as a RA, and is in contact with his single resident that was remaining on campus.

He said it is important for people to continue to think of "why".

"Why are you doing what you're doing. So for this, why are we staying inside and isolating? Why is this virus this bad? Why is this happening now?" Corby said. "Understanding and thinking about those questions are vital to me for dealing with and coping with the situation."

For those continuing to feel uncertain and uneasy about these unprecedented times, Miley enforces that his doors are always open.

"I really want to be a president for everyone," Miley said. "I just want people to know that if they ever need something to please reach out, because I really want to try and make the Elon experience as great as it can be for everyone."

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